March 9, 2025

Advocacy Groups and Associations

Welcome to our resource hub dedicated to the numerous associations and groups advocating for public education in Texas. These organizations play a crucial role in uniting resources, keeping members informed with the latest news and developments, and championing policy changes. By working collaboratively with state and federal officials, these groups strive to bring about positive changes in public education, ensuring that every student has access to quality learning opportunities. Explore the various associations and groups listed here to find the support and advocacy efforts that resonate with your passion for public education.


Texans for Excellence in Education

Texans for Excellence in Education is an advocacy group dedicated to promoting high standards and equity in Texas public schools. By supporting educators, engaging communities, and influencing policy, the organization works to ensure every student has access to quality education.

Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)

TASB is a voluntary, nonprofit association that serves local Texas school boards. It provides training, advocacy, and support to school board members to help them govern effectively and advocate for public education.

School District, General

Texas Association of Community Schools (TACS)

TACS represents and advocates for community-based public school districts in Texas. It promotes the unique needs and interests of these districts in education policy discussions.

Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA)

TCSA is an advocacy and support organization for charter schools in Texas. It works to promote and advance the charter school movement, providing resources, training, and representation to its member schools to ensure they deliver high-quality education.

School Districts, Rural

Texas Association of Rural Schools (TARS)

TARS supports administrators and educators in rural school districts across Texas. It advocates for policies that benefit rural schools, provides professional development, and fosters collaboration among rural school leaders.

Texas Rural Education Association (TREA)

TREA is an organization that advocates for rural schools and districts in Texas. It focuses on addressing the challenges faced by rural education, including funding, resources, and access to quality education, while promoting policies that support and sustain rural schools.

School Districts, Midsize

Texas Association of Midsize Schools (TAMS)

TAMS represents the interests of mid-sized school districts in Texas. It advocates for policies and resources that address the unique needs of these districts, ensuring they have the support necessary to provide high-quality education to their students.

School Districts, Urban

The Coalition for Public Schools

A coalition of public school advocates in Texas, working together to support and promote public education through advocacy and community engagement.

Texas School Alliance

A coalition of large urban school districts in Texas, advocating for policies that support urban public education.

Texas School Coalition

Represents large, fast-growth school districts in Texas, advocating for policies that support the unique needs of these districts.

Educator Organizations

Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE)

ATPE is the largest educator association in Texas, representing teachers and educational support staff. It offers professional development, legal services, and advocacy for public education issues.

Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers)

Texas AFT is a statewide labor union representing teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school-related personnel. It advocates for the rights and interests of its members, focusing on issues like fair pay, safe working conditions, and quality public education.

Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE)

TAFE is an organization that supports future educators in Texas high schools and colleges. It provides leadership development, competitions, and resources for students interested in pursuing careers in education.

Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM)

TCTM is an organization focused on promoting high-quality mathematics education in Texas. It provides professional development opportunities, resources, and advocacy for math teachers.

Texas Classroom Teachers Association (TCTA)

TCTA is a professional association that represents teachers and other educational professionals in Texas. It advocates for educators’ rights, benefits, and working conditions, as well as policies that support quality public education.

Texas Foreign Language Association (TFLA)

TFLA is an organization dedicated to promoting the teaching and learning of foreign languages in Texas. It provides professional development, resources, and advocacy for language teachers.

Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA)

TRTA represents retired educators in Texas and advocates for retired teachers’ interests, including pension and healthcare benefits.

Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA)

TSTA is an affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA) and represents teachers and educational professionals in Texas. It advocates for public education policies, teacher rights, and professional development.


Texas Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (TALAS)

TALAS focuses on advancing the educational success of Latino students by supporting Latino school administrators and superintendents in Texas. It provides professional development, networking opportunities, and advocacy on issues affecting Latino educators and students.

Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA)

TASA is the professional association for Texas school administrators, including superintendents, assistant superintendents, and central office administrators. TASA provides professional learning opportunities, advocacy for public education, and resources to support effective school leadership.

Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP)

TASSP serves secondary school principals, assistant principals, and other administrators in Texas. It offers professional development, leadership training, advocacy, and networking opportunities to support effective secondary school leadership.

Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators (TASPA)

TASPA is an organization for human resources professionals in Texas school districts. It provides support, professional development, and networking opportunities focused on effective personnel management and ensuring high standards in school HR practices.

Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO)

TASBO is a professional association for school finance and operations professionals. It provides training, certification, and networking opportunities to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of school business operations across Texas.

Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA)

TEPSA is an association that serves elementary and middle school principals, assistant principals, and other campus leaders. It provides professional development, advocacy, and resources to support effective school leadership at the elementary and middle school levels.

Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA)

TSPRA is a professional organization dedicated to improving public relations, communications, and marketing in Texas schools. It offers professional development, resources, and networking opportunities to help members effectively communicate with stakeholders and promote their schools.

General Advocacy

Charles Butt Foundation

The philanthropic foundation of Charles Butt, focusing on supporting public education initiatives in Texas, including leadership development for educators and innovative school models.

Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)

Formerly known as the Center for Public Policy Priorities, Every Texan focuses on policy research and advocacy to improve public education, healthcare, and economic opportunity in Texas.

Friends of Texas Public Schools

A nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the positive aspects of Texas public schools and countering negative narratives through storytelling and advocacy.

Improve Texas Schools

A nonprofit organization dedicated to improving Texas public schools through advocacy, policy research, and community engagement.

Network for Public Education (non Texas-specific)

A group that defends and strengthens public schools, opposing efforts to privatize education.

Network for Public Education Action (non Texas-specific)

The advocacy arm of NPE, focused on endorsing candidates and lobbying for policies that support public education.

Pastors for Texas Children

This organization mobilizes faith leaders to advocate for public education in Texas, focusing on supporting and strengthening public schools through community engagement and advocacy.

Raise Your Hand Texas

A nonprofit advocacy organization focused on improving public education in Texas through policy advocacy, leadership programs for educators, and community engagement.

Texans for Public Education

This grassroots organization promotes and supports public education in Texas, advocating for equitable funding, teacher support, and policies that benefit public schools.

Texans for Strong Public Schools

A coalition of parents, educators, and community members advocating for strong public schools in Texas. They support policies that prioritize public education funding and quality.

Texas Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Texas PTA is a branch of the National PTA and advocates for children’s educational success and well-being through strong family, school, and community involvement.

Texas Public Policy Foundation

While not exclusively focused on education, TPPF conducts research and advocacy on various policy issues in Texas, including education reform and school choice.


Advocates for smarter education policies in Texas, emphasizing evidence-based practices, school funding reform, and support for teachers and students.

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